Oberseminar Analysis und Zahlentheorie
Wintersemester 2020/21
Mo 14-16 N14

L2-invariants for sequences of lattices in Lie groups,

1. Introduction and Statement of the main results (Vorlektüre)
2. Claudius Kamp:
Invariant Random Subgroups
3. Claudius Kamp:
Large Injectivity Radius and BS Convergence
4. Claudius Kamp:
IRS's in higher rank
5. Anton Deitmar:
Benjamini-Schramm convergence for congruence lattices
6. Jan Feldmann:
Spectral Approximation for locally convergent sequences of lattices
7. Julien Sessler:
Heat Kernel estimates and hyperbolic manifolds
8. Julien Sessler:
Growth of Torsion

Miklos Abert, Nicolas Bergeron, Ian Biringer, Tsachik Gelander, Nikolay Nikolov, Jean Raimbault, and Iddo Samet, On the growth of L2-invariants for sequences of lattices in Lie groups, Ann. of Math. (2) 185 (2017), no. 3, 711–790, DOI 10.4007/an- nals.2017.185.3.1.