Oberseminar Analysis und Zahlentheorie

Wintersemester 2022/23

  Di 14-16

Condensed Mathematics

0. Background
Lou-Jean Cobigo-Bihavan

classical cohomology theories, topological sheaves, fibre products, limits and colimits,
simplicial objects, abelian categories, derived functors and categories,

1. Condensed sets
Claudius Kamp
pro-finite sets and totally disconnected spaces, clopen sets, compactly generated topologies,
Stone-Cech compactification, Grothendieck topologies, sites and sheaves

2. Condensed abelian groups
Matilde Manzaroli
extremally disconnected sets, adjoint of condensation functor, Cond(AB) as abelian catgory,
split-coequalizer diagrams, Tensor product, internal Hom, derived categories

3. Cohomology
Daniele Agostini
Isomorphy of topological cohomologies, condensed cohomology and sheaf cohomology,
simplicial objects, hypercovers, Moore complex, condensed cohomolgy of the reals

4. LCA-groups
Hannah Markwig
Pontryagin duality, derived internal hom of reals and tori

5. Solid groups
Victoria Schleis
completeness for Lipschitz maps - weak injectivity, Freeness of C(S,Z), Category of solid groups

6. Solid groups II
Anton Deitmar
Complete proof of properties of SOLID, Monoidal structure

Peter Scholze: Condensed Mathematics