Seminar zur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie (siehe auch das Kommentierte Vorlesungsverzeichnis ) --- Liste der Vortragsthemen (Hauptansprechpartner: OW =Olaf Wittich; MZ = Martin Zerner)

  • (Gabriele Kallert, Johannes Hofscheier (Freitag vormittag); OW) Omer Angel, Alexander E Holroyd, James B Martin: The Jammed Phase of the Biham-Middleton-Levine Traffic Model
  • (Kerstin Paetzold (Mittwoch); OW) Rami Atar, Siva Athreya, Min Kang: Ballistic Deposition on a Planar Strip
  • (Johannes Spielmann (Donnerstag); OW) Itai Benjamini, Ori Gurel-Gurevich: Almost Sure Recurrence of the Simple Random Walk Path
  • (Thomas Schober (Donnerstag); OW) Itai Benjamini, Gady Kozma, Dan Romik: Random walks with $k$-wise independent increments.
  • (Johannes Ruess (Montag); MZ) Daniel Boivin,Jean-Marc Derrien: Geodesics and Recurrence of Random Walks in Disordered Systems
  • (Swetlana Gerzen (Montag); MZ) Christopher Hoffman: Phase transition in dependent percolation. Comm. Math. Phys. 254 (2005), no. 1, 1--22.
  • (Ester Dalvit (Donnerstag); MZ) Martin Zerner: Integrability of infinite weighted sums of heavy-tailed i.i.d. random variables. Stoch. Proc. Appl. (2002) 99, No. 1, 81-94,
  • (Tonio Groeger (Montag); MZ) Anthony N. Quas: Infinite paths in a Lorentz lattice gas model. Probability Theory and Related Fields (1999) Vol. 114, p.229-244
  • (Lars Bergermann (Dienstag); OW) David Siegmund, Benjamin Yakir: An Urn Model of Diaconis. Annals of Probability 33 (2005), no. 5, 2036--2042.
  • (Daniel Hampel (Mittwoch); MZ) Martin Zerner: On the speed of a planar random walk avoiding its past convex hull. Ann. de l'IHP, Prob. et Stat. (2005) 41, 887-900
  • (Konstantina Tassouli (Dienstag); MZ) Martin Zerner: Recurrence and transience of excited random walks on Z^d and strips. Preprint (2005)
  • (Kristijan Dragicevic (Dienstag); OW) Asaf Nachmias, Yuval Peres: The critical random graph, with martingales
  • (Jochen Heberle (Sonntag Abend); MZ) Elchanan Mossel: The minesweeper game: percolation and complexity. Combin. Probab. Comput. 11 no.5 487--499. (2002)