

(1) Dualität lokalkompakter Gruppen
Lecture Notes in Math. Vol. 150, Springer – Verlag (1970), 366 pages

(2) Mathematische Theorie statistischer Experimente
Springer Hochschultext (1973), 224 pages

(3) Probability measures on locally compact groups
Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete Bd. 94,
Springer (1977), 531 pages

(4) Einführung in die Theorie Markoffscher Prozesse
Wissenschaftsverlag des Bibliographischen Instituts,
Mannheim (1979), 253 pages

(5) Probability measures on locally compact groups
Supplemented Russian edition of (3),
MIR Publishers, Moscow (1981), 701 pages

(6) Theory of statistical experiments
Expanded English edition of (2),
Springer Series in Statistics (1982), 289 + X pages

(7) Harmonic analysis of probability measures on hypergroups
(with W. R. Bloom)
De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics (1995), 601 + VI pages

(8) Structural Aspects in the Theory of Probability
A Primer in Probabilities on Algebraic – Topological Structures

World Scientific Publishers 2004, 388 + X pages

(9) Structural Aspects in the Theory of Probability
Second enlarged edition,
World Scientific Publishers 2009, 412 + XIV pages