Prof. Dr. Peter Ochs

Head of the Mathematical Optimization Group
Professor for Mathematical Methods in Computer Science
Coopted at Dept. of Computer Science

Office Hour: Contact by eMail
Address: Department of Mathematics
University of Tübingen
Auf der Morgenstelle 10 (Building-C)
72076 Tübingen, Germany
Office: Room 5P08, Building-C

Personal Publications Talks Curriculum Vitae

Google Scholar Profile

Research Interest:

Non-smooth optimization and analysis (convex and non-convex)
Optimization algorithms
Bilevel optimization
Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning applications

See also our research webpage.

Brief Bio:

Peter Ochs received the M.Sc. degree in mathematics from the Saarland University in Germany in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree in mathematics from the University of Freiburg in 2015. During his Ph.D., he spent three months as a visiting researcher at TU-Graz in Austria. After a year as a postdoctoral researcher at Saarland University in Germany, he returned to Freiburg. In November 2017, he became Juniorprofessor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Saarland. Since September 2020, Peter Ochs is Professor at the University of Tübingen, where he is heading the Mathematical Optimization Group. He is coopted at the Department of Computer Science, associate faculty of the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Intelligent Systems (IS), and full member of the Cluster of Excellence Machine Learning. He received the best paper award at the Scale Space and Variational Methods Conference (SSVM) in 2015 and at the German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) in 2016. His research interests are in non-smooth optimization with applications in computer vision, machine learning, image analysis, and inverse problems in general.