Fachbereich Mathematik

Mathematical Quantum Theory

The module provides an introduction to mathematical methods that play an essential role in the formulation and analysis of quantum theories. Topics include the Fourier transform, distributions, Hilbert spaces, unitary groups and their generators, spectral theory of self-adjacent operators, spectral theorem, tensor products, POVMs, spectral measures and trace class operators. The mathematical methods and areas mentioned are motivated in the course from quantum theory and applied to examples from quantum theory.

Please register for the course in ILIAS

Due to the Covid19 situation the course is organized as follows:

Parts of the lecture (2 x 60 minutes per week) are recorded in advance and will be made available on ILIAS step by step. In addition there will be a live lesson on Mondays from 11-12 am in the lecture hall C3N14 in the mathematics building. You can participate in the live sessions via zoom (the link is provided on the ILIAS page). The live sessions will be recorded and the recordings will also be available on ILIAS.

You will also receive weekly homework assignments on Mondays (in ILIAS), the solutions to which must be submitted in writing one week later. Afterwards, the homework is discussed in a 90-minute exercise class. The exercise classes are held online via zoom, and we will agree on a schedule for the classes in the first week of the semester.