Fachbereich Mathematik

Precise coupling terms in adiabatic quantum evolution: The generic case

V. Betz, S. Teufel

Commun. Math. Phys. 260 (2005), 481-509.
[genTransHistFinal.pdf (374.1 kB)]


For multi-level time-dependent quantum systems one can construct superadiabatic representations in which the coupling between separated levels is exponentially small in the adiabatic limit. Based on results from [BeTe1] for special Hamiltonians we
explicitly determine the asymptotic behavior of the exponentially small coupling term for generic two-state systems with real-symmetric Hamiltonian. The superadiabatic coupling term takes a universal form and depends only on the location and the strength of the complex singularities of the adiabatic coupling function.

As shown in [BeTe1], first order perturbation theory in the superadiabatic representation then allows to describe the time-development of exponentially small adiabatic transitions and thus to rigorously confirm Michael Berry’s [Ber] predictions on the universal form of adiabatic transition histories.