Department of Mathematics

Preparatory Course for M.Sc. Mathematical Physics

The course will consists of 8 lectures and 8 exercise sessions, as well as several social events scattered through the first two weeks of October. Both the lectures (10-12 am) and exercise sessions (2-4 pm) will happen in the lecture hall C4H33 (the room on the fourth floor with the glass walls) of the C building. Additionally, they will be streamed via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 984 6305 7340
Password: 101010

In the lectures we will review

1. Elements of algebra
2. Topological, metric and normed spaces
3. Continuity and compactness
4. Differential calculus
5. Implicit functions and ordinary differential equations
6. Measure theory
7. Classical physics preface
8. Quantum mechanics preface

During the exercise sessions we will discuss doubts, examples and exercises.

The social events can be found in the schedule below. Participation in the lectures/exercises/social events is completely optional, but highly recommended. Depending on the audience, the course will be held in a hybrid format.

In the first meeting (Oct 2nd, 10 am) I will clarify any doubts about the schedule and planning, so do not miss that one! You can also contact me via


Course schedule